Thursday, February 28, 2013

How To Get Rid of Blackheads

One of the most common skin problems that people face is the appearance of an open comedo on the surface of the skin accompanied with a black mass of skin debris. This blackened mass of skin is called blackheads. Hair follicle filled with bacteria, skin debris and oil (Sebum) with a yellowish color appear on the surface of the skin of those who suffer from blackheads. People of any age group or of any skin type can get affected with this skin problem. Although it is commonly seen in people having an oily skin, it can also occur in people with a normal to dry skin. How to get rid of blackheads will help you treat this skin problem and get a blackhead-free skin.
How To Get Rid of Blackheads
How To Get Rid of Blackheads

Keep the skin clear and dirt-free 

Blackheads often appear on the skin surface because of the accumulation of dirt and excessive oil on the skin surface. However, it is important to keep the skin clean and clear all the times. Use a good cleanser to remove dirt and oil to avoid the dead skin cells from building up within the pores. Clogged pores can lead to the increase in the production of oil inside the skin, thus causing blackheads to appear. Therefore, use good cleansers that can reduce over-activity in the oil glands that result in clogged pores and blackheads.

Include Exfoliation and Microdermabrasion in Your Daily Skincare Regimen 

It is best to apply a mask for exfoliation and removal of dead skin cells and for opening of clogged pores that result in blackheads. You can make an exfoliation mask using nutmeg that helps in bringing down the production of oil from the oil glands and comes with a scrubbing power. Use of milk to rinse the face can prove to be good for getting rid of blackheads as lactic acid can break down old skin cells. You can also make a mask with baking soda, line juice and water or salt and sour cream for applying on the skin for the purpose of exfoliation.

Squeeze out the blackheads

Most people prefer to take out the blackheads rather than applying some mask on their skin. Squeezing out the blackheads after warming the skin is an effective way of getting rid of the blackened mass of skin debris. Taking a warm shower or dabbing the affected skin surface with warm water helps in expanding the pores. As the clogged pores open up, you can easily squeeze out the blackheads with an extractor tool or bobby pin.

Scrub The Affected Skin Area with toothpaste

Put some toothpaste on a toothbrush and apply it on the affected skin surface. Wet the affected area and scrub it for some time very gently. Brushing the affected areas with toothpaste can help weaken the hair follicle. You can squeeze the blackened mass of hair debris easily once the hair follicle in the affected zone becomes weak.


Adapalene is often used in the treatment of mild to moderate blackheads. This third-generation topical retinoid is known to show good results.


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