Thursday, February 28, 2013

5 Simple Treatments to Get Rid of Dandruff

What Causes Dandruff?

A common hair problem that most people often complain about is dandruff. Loose skin flakes fall off from the scalp and cause irritation. This scalp condition often takes a severe form during winters when the skin cells starts drying and loose white skin flakes shed rapidly. The flakes can cause itchiness and irritation. Sometimes, the moist weather and oil secretion lead to a scalp condition called the sticky dandruff. In this case, the white flakes do not fall but tend to stick to the scalp because of the oily secretions. Flakes often cause small spots to appear on forehead, shoulders and the back of the skin where they fall.
How To Get Rid of Dandruff
How To Get Rid of Dandruff

How to Get Rid of Dandruff - 5 Treatments

Here are some of the sure shot ways that can help you to get rid of dandruff.

Hot oil therapy

Applying hot oil is one of the most effective ways of treating dandruff and preventing white flakes from falling off the scalp. Dandruff is caused when the scalp dries up and starts shedding off. However, hot oil therapy works best as a home treatment to prevent the pores from getting clogged and the scalp from getting dried up.

Hot turban therapy

Apply some hot olive oil on the dry scalp and massage gently to let the white loose flakes fall off. Soak a towel in warm water and squeeze out the water and wrap it around your head as a turban is tied. Let the warm towel be in your head for a few minutes and repeat the process thrice or more times. This treatment will help the scalp and hair to absorb the oil. It is best to leave the oil overnight and wash off the hair next morning after applying the juice of a lemon the scalp. This treatment done twice a week can offer good results in getting rid of dandruff.

Wash Hair Regularly

If you are suffering from dandruff, it is best to apply an anti-dandruff shampoo and wash hair with it thrice a week for treating this scalp condition.  Use of good mild herbal shampoo can also work best for treatment of dandruff. Vinegar is also a good anti-dandruff agent and massaging two tablespoons before washing off the hair with the shampoo can help you get rid of the white flakes.

Use Home Remedy

Make hair pack at home to treat dandruff if you do not want to go for expensive hair treatments. Apply a mixture of 50 ml rose water combined with 5 drops of Rosemary essential oil on your scalp before you shampoo your hair. You can leave this mixture for sometime to let the essential oils get absorbed in the scalp. Apply fenugreek seeds that have been soaked in cold water and strained. Keep neem leaves in hot water for a night and strain the liquid next morning and use it to rinse your hair well.

Include henna treatments as a part of hair care regime

Henna treatment can give that sheen to your hair and make them look healthy. They also prevent the scalp from getting dried and in restoring the normal balance. Make a hair pack of one-teaspoon methi seed powder, 4 teaspoons of lemon juice and 2 raw eggs, coffee, and make a thick paste by adding hot tea water to the henna powder. Cool and strain the liquid and apply on the hair. Wash off after keeping it for an hour. 


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